Vista Capital professionals provide sound investment advice and bring extensive experience and technical expertise to each of the following areas:
Investment banking
- Investment opportunities and consulting – Identifying suitable investment opportunities in both Sri Lanka and Maldives and ensuring that all approval required to operate the business or project are obtained via various government institutions in the minimum time.
- Mergers & Acquisitions – We provide the support service of engaging in negotiations, merging of the business teams & processes, banking arrangements, due diligence, etc.
- Business Transformation – Guiding the management teams in restructuring businesses which are loss making.
- Private Placements – Vista Capital has a global investor network to provide clients with the necessary capital to fund their growth and realize their full potential.
- Providing businesses with expansion & diversification opportunities by linking corporate sellers with buyers – both quoted & unquoted companies.
Corporate Finance: Equity & Debt Capital Markets.
- Determining the most attractive options and actions when raising capital.
- Finding suitable equity and debt capital partners.
- Locating sources both localy and offshore and negotiating the terms and structure of finance
- Negotiating long term loan capital for companies and the government of Sri lanka and working capital finance with a focus of global commodity trading positioning sri lanka as a global commodity trading hub.
- Asset Management – We help investors capitalize on opportunities across asset classes: Equities, Fixed Income, Real Estate, Private Equity and Cash, employing a disciplined investment process based on fundamental and technical research to deliver consistent, sustainable returns in the long term. Currently we in the process of setting up a private equity fund to invest in growth sectors focused on Lankan exports. Also a real estate and equity fund are in the process of being formulated.
Business Management
Management of Businesses – Management of companies where there is a lacking of the owners time, and support in transforming them into global power houses.
- International Business – Supporting the entry of business into global markets.
- Trading & Sourcing of Materials.
- Supply chain management.
- Financial control.
- Operations Management.
- International Marketing.
Property Services
- Sourcing Property & Lands for Projects, Resident, Commercial & Office Space.
- Property & Business Valuation.
- Property development and management.
Secretarial and other services
- Project Management & Company Setting up / Formation..
- Visa Extensions & Facilitation of Entry, Resident, Business, & Second home Visas.
- Legal,Conveyancing & Secretarial Services.
- Specialized legal and tax consultancy.
- Back Office Operations on Accounting, Auditing & Tax Services..
- Logistic Services.