To support the initiatives carried out by the Universal Media Networks TV and Radio Broadcasting Channels in realizing the Hon. President’s vision of complete transparency,rapid economic development, responsibility and good governance, ethnic harmony and reconciliation within Sri Lanka.
Agency Business Statement
Ensure practical and clear cut communication to Sri Lankans and consolidate within its business environment.
Strategic intentions
Take responsibility of all creative advertising related work for the parent TV and Radio Channels and thereon devise entry into the corporate market through strategic business and sales volume development initiatives. The purpose is to mould the agency into an autonomously functioning profit centre.
Scale of business
The agency will function as a medium scale business.
Proposed Business Avenues
- TV / Radio on ATL operations
- Creative Graphics on BTL operations
- Media scheduling and management
- Events
- Public Relations.
Critical Success Factors
- Capacity to meet market demand – Universal Media Networks will be in a stronger position to enter new markets with confidence given the synergies garnered with its parent channels and the backing of industry experts.
- Establishing and maintaining client service standards – The agency will invest in top HR talent in order to maintain end product standards at a high level
- Ability to achieve and sustain a competitive edge – The advertising material that will developed must be of high standard in order to support the parent channels and further attract and retain new clients. In addition there is the ability to leverage on existing relationships with media and print organizations